Private Prenatal & Postnatal Coaching Package
The PRIVATE PRENATAL & POSTNATAL COACHING PACKAGE is ideal for soon-to-be parents who are seeking clarity and accountability to achieve their most optimal birth experience.
Are you in need of birth support but CANNOT or DO NOT want a doula present at your birth? Do you want to be fully prepared mentally, emotionally and physically for your birth? Do you need help coming up with your birth plan or birth vision? Do you need help to bring alignment to your beliefs and your action steps to achieve your goals? Are you struggling to hold yourself accountable to your goals? Are you ready to be in charge of your birth?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, get ready for your POWERFUL breakthrough, as you meet with me to create a plan that will increase your confidence in the actions you take to feel empowered in your pregnancy, birth & postnatal.
The Wheel of Bringing Life Assessment Form: The ONLY true way of getting from where you are, to where you really want to be, is by taking an honest look at the FACTS of your current situation. During this first step, we will gather the important information to see where you currently are in your pregnancy. Getting clear on this information will help to get a clear picture of what your strengths and areas of challenge are. Getting clear PRIOR to your coaching session helps to ensure that you’re fully prepared and focused during our time together.
6 x 1 hour Private Prenatal Coaching Session: During our 1 hour prenatal sessions we will get clear on the topic, clarify goals, identify conscious or unconscious obstacles that are in the way, and action steps to get closer to achieving your goals.
2 x 1 hour Private Postnatal Coaching Sessions: During our 1 hour postnatal sessions you will have the opportunity to share your birth story and process your emotions around it. We will discuss your current situation, any obstacles you are experiencing and way forward.
Comprehensive Google Doc report: After each session, you’ll receive live Google Doc report and you can add or take away anything that you wish. It is a live document that can be edited to fit your needs.
* Detailed Wheel of Bringing Life Self Evaluation Form
* Free 20 Minute Prenatal Coaching Session
* 6 x 1 hour Private Prenatal Coaching Sessions recorded via Zoom Video
* 2 x 1 hour Private Postnatal Coaching Sessions recorded via Zoom Video
Private Prenatal & Postnatal coaching sessions.